A walk after dinner with Brian & Jenny

A walk after dinner with Brian & Jenny
To the relief of some we are back in the comfort of the caravan. The trip to the tip was extraordinary, too hard to describe in words or for that matter, pictures or videos. Best experienced first hand would be the recommendation.
Three days basically retracing our steps on way back to Cairns
Our last night in a tent was spent at Coen. The car was crying out for a big clean
Never seen this before… Air to inflate tyres (gravel roads now behind us) made possible by service station owner passing the air hose through a window and then turning on the air compressor!! Probably would have been quicker to get out our air compressor.
This location was chosen over Seisa given it’s proximity to Pajinka (approx 20 km to the tip). Our tent site allocation was excellent with front row views of the beach, Torres Strait and Thursday Island. Temperatures were hot (30-31) and fortunately almost no rain. Swimming was definitely out of the question… crocs, sharks, stingers (yes, even at this time of the year) just to name a few of the high risk dangers.
Popular remote tourist shopping between Bamaga and Punsand Bay.
Due to heavy rainfall, we thought it would be difficult to get to Elliot Falls (via the Old Telegraph Track) but it may be even more difficult to get out in the morning. Disappointingly we drove straight to Bamaga to find alternate accommodation. Driving in heavy rain proved challenging and tiring with 3 stops at a crest in a section of the road when we felt it was not safe to travel on.
Not surprisingly for this time of year there was very little accommodation available. We ended up staying in a donga at Loyalty Beach caravan park so as to avoid the forecast overnight rain.
Sooo looking forward to this swim and then moving onto nearby Elliot Falls. Just after getting in heavy rain started falling.