Carnarvon Gorge

Third time lucky, our 2 earlier attempts were aborted due to health issues. This time the weather was not in our favour with heavy rain forecast for at least 2 of the 4 days we had planned for the gorge adventure. Making the most of our time we arrived as early as possible and started the “big walk” at midday. God’s creativity was on full display… constant variety of bird calls; many palm trees; long grass; creek crossings & yes, I (not Jennifer) lost my balance and had to “jump” into the creek… fortunately remaining upright but ending up with very wet shoes and socks!); major points of interest were the Moss Gardens and the Amphitheatre during the 15km grade 3 walk. The video does not do justice to the natural beauty but you do get to see me lose my balance walking across the creek!

The drive into Carnarvon Gorge
Let the 15km walk begin!
The Amphitheatre… “How Great Thou Art” sung by Jennifer
The drive out before the rain sets in