Following days of wet weather, the forecast for increased rain and flooding we decided to reluctantly return home, cutting in half our planned time away. Travelling to the Victorian highlands and Murray river will have to wait for another time.
Lake George
Unusual event… water in Lake George
Coffee at Goulburn
Bredbo (Coming home)
Overnight fee camp in the paddock at the rear of the Inn
Aslings Beach (Eden NSW)
The sunshine returned so after a walk and flying the drone we went for a swim with the boogie boards.
Walk to the beach
What else can you do in the rain?
(even more) Rain
Days and days of wet weather… what to do next?
Boogie boarding
Great fun boogie board riding together at Aslings Beach (Eden).
Clyde River Kayak
Quite a short kayak just to gain more experience and get some exercise.
Moruya Heads
From our base (Moruya Heads BIG 4 caravan park) we drove north and inland visiting Nelligen, Shallow Crossing, Clyde River Berry Farm followed by a late lunch on the banks of the Clyde river.