Social gatherings; caravan numbers are reducing

Getting to know our “caravan neighbours” while practicing social distancing has been difficult. A couple of times, we have gathered around 2 well spaced fire pits.

Last night we joined the evening gathering to learn that a couple (Brian & Julie) have decided to leave & head home to Sydney. They just didn’t want to wait here any longer, not so different to another couple and their dog leaving for Newcastle NSW at the end of the week. This couple (Beau & Steph) will depart with the necessary travel plan expecting to complete the 4,000km journey in 4 days!


We’ve lived 4 weeks tomorrow at Olive Hill farm “off the grid” successfully. With 2x fixed and 1x portable panel the lithium batteries have only once fallen to 40% (usually 70% overnight). As day light hours are reducing and the weather has been cloudy most days the only major change made is not boiling water for tea during the day (now using gas). Surprisingly, we have been using the washing machine and now the electric blankets! For how long can we operate with winter fast approaching is the big question. Under consideration is upgrading the portable solar panel’s regulator. This theoretically could generate 10% more power but obviously won’t help when there are consecutive cloudy, dark winter days. Sooo… purchasing a generator may be necessary.

1st day out and about

Apart from travelling to the shops for food and essentials, we have chosen not to venture out from our “home”. But after just under 4 weeks at Olive Hill Farm we decided to drive south to Hamelin Bay to check out the beach. A remote beach and a sanctuary for stingrays. No fewer than 7-8 stingrays were cruising up an down the beach within 100m of the boat ramp all within 10m of the shore.